Department: Business Administration

Change Management And Organizational Competitiveness:a Survey Of The Hospitality Sector In Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

This studyexamined the influence of change management on organizational competitiveness in the hospi...

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Corporate Governance And Organizational Performance:a Study Of Selected Oil-palm Producing Firms In Southern Nigeria

The objective of this study was to examine “Corporate Governance and Organizational Performanc...

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Lean Business Strategy And Performance Of Nigerian Manufacturing Sector, 1990-2014

The persistent pressure to improve operational performance, maintain competitive advantage, and meet...

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Succession Planning And Sustainability Of Family Businesses In Lagos State, Nigeria.

Family businesses in Nigeria have a long pathetic history of dying with their founders, and thereby ...

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Supply Chain Management And Competitive Advantage Of Bakery Firms In South-east, Nigeria

The story of bakery industry in South-East, Nigeria is replete with that of closure of many firms. S...

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Supply Chain Management And Competitive Advantage Of Bakery Firms In South-east, Nigeria

The story of bakery industry in South-East, Nigeria is replete with that of closure of many firms. S...

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Performance Of Maritime Subsector And Economic Growth In Nigeria (1995 – 2015)

The dwindling nature of economic growth in Nigeria as a result of reliance on single product –...

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Effect Of Strategic Orientation And Entrepreneurial Development On The Performance Of Information And Communication Technology Firms In North - Central, Nigeria

Business environment has become highly competitive, dynamic and heterogenic. As a result, business o...

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Industrial Dispute And Performance Of Oil And Gas Companies In South-south, Nigeria

The Nigeria oil and gas industry is besieged by controversies, resulting from poor execution of coll...

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Environmental Instability And Performance Of Selected Breweries In Nigeria: 1990-2015

The aim of this research is to examine how the instability in the environmental factors influence th...

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Grievance Management And Performance Of Selected Oil Producing Companies In Host Communities Of Niger Delta, Nigeria (1980-2015)

This study centers on grievance management and performance of oil producing companies in oil host co...

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Energy Sector And Business Development In Nigeria. A Study Of South Eastern Nigeria: 1990 – 2016

This study focused on Energy Sector and Business Development in Nigeria. A Study of South Eastern Ni...

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Strategic Environmental Scanning And Performance Of Selected Food And Beverage Firms In Nigeria: 1990-2015

This study is centered on Strategic Environmental Scanning and Performance of selected Food and Beve...

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Job Outsourcing And Organisational Performance: A Study Of Selected Banks In South East Nigeria

It is nearly impossible for a bank to manage all of its business processes by solely depending on it...

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