Faculty: Management Sciences
Department: Business Administration
Ike, F. O.
Ikezue, N. C.
The Nigeria oil and gas industry is besieged by controversies, resulting from poor execution of collective bargaining, poor implementation of promotion policy and general employees’ welfare with resultant effect on industrial disharmony and poor performance of the industry. This study
was designed to examine industrial dispute and performance of Oil and Gas companies in South South, Nigeria. Four research questions and four hypotheses were formulated for the study. The study adopted a survey research design. The target population of the study comprise of 33101
respondents who are staff in 102 Oil and Gas companies in South-South, Nigeria. The study is underpinned by Unitary and Conflict theories. Taro Yamane formula was used to derive a sample of 395 respondents. Three hundred and seventy four (94.68%) out of 395 copies of instruments distributed were duly returned. Data was collected from respondents using
structured questionnaire and presented using descriptive statistics. The instrument for data collection was duly subjected to face and content validity while Cronbach Alpha statistics was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and coefficient of 0.713 was obtained which made instrument suitable for the study. Pearson Product Moment Correlations was used to test the hypotheses. The results of the analysis revealed that collective bargaining about employees’ rights and protection was achieved by union leaders and management of the companies but they failed to fully carry out the agreement especially from the management. Management of the oil
and gas companies did not fully carryout promotion policy that should prevent workers grievances. Union leaders (PENGASSAN and NUPENG) carry out their duties towards their member but sometimes compromise on critical issues that affects employees’ welfare which may be reasons of some industrial disputes in oil and gas companies. The level of implementation of
agreement between union leaders and management of oil and gas companies did not prevent strike action of worker. The study recommended among others that there should be strict implementations of collective agreements reached between management and union leaders of oil
and gas companies in South-South Nigeria. The management of the companies should adhere to the promotion policy of their companies to avoid incessant cases of workers strike action which may in turn negatively affect productivity of the organisations.