Faculty: Management Sciences
Department: Accountancy
Nwimo, S.C;
Osisioma, B.C;
Okoye, E.I;
The study examined the effect of environmental costs on performances of quoted firms in Sub Saharan Africa.Prior empirical evidences/findings have inconclusively narrowed down the effect of environmental costs on firm performances resulting to divergent opinion and the need for further investigation on the subject matter. The broad objective of the study is to examine the effect of environmental costs on performances of quoted firms in Sub Saharan Africa. Specifically, disaggregated components of environmental costs namely, employee health and safety, waste management and community development costs were tested on proxies of firm performances (represented by return on capital employed, earnings per share and return on equity) to ascertain if the predictor variableshave significant effects on the dependent variables at cross national and selected specific country levels. The study adopted longitudinal/panel ex-post facto research design and random sampling technique while quantitative secondary data covering 2007 to 2016 were obtained for sixty-four extractive and industrial firms quoted in the Stock Exchanges of four Sub-Sahara African countries namely South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania. The models for the study were estimated using Ordinary least square regression (OLS) built on panel data analysis. In the regional level analysis as well as in South Africa and Nigeria specific country analyses, the study revealed that environmental costs represented by employee health and safety, waste management and community development costs have no significant effect on return on capital employed, earnings per share and return on equity. The study also showed that in Ghana, the predictor variables demonstrated significant effect on return on capital employed and return on equity while only waste management cost has significant effect on return on capital employed and return on equity in Tanzania. The implication of the preponderance of the findings, save for the aforementioned exceptions in Ghana and Tanzania, is that quoted firms in the region are yet to adequately indulge in environmental responsibility or their environmental engagements are not adequately captured and disclosed to the extent that can cause significant swings in the measures of firm performance.The implication of the exceptions found in Ghana and Tanzania is that of comparative improvement in environmental responsibilities, compliances and disclosures by quoted firms in the two countries. The study recommended among other things that firms in Sub Saharan Africa should give greater attention to environmental responsibility, cost recognition, classification and disclosures in the annual, integrated and sustainability reports.