Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Anosike, M. Azubuike
Uche, O.O.C
Women and children constitute the most vulnerable group that undergoes violence in Imo state. The magnitude of violence against women and children differs in the home, place of work, education, community, in war and other occasions. Violence against women and children might be physical, sexual or psychological and other forms of cultural violence. Specifically, women and children suffer battering, rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, harmful traditional practices, early marriage, female vagina mutilation, incest and a host of others. Different conventions that gave rise to different declarations and international conventions have not appealed to conscience of man. Consequently, humanity has not been sensitized in believing that women and children are entitled to equal enjoyment and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom, in every sphere of life. From the above, it is imperative to examine the religious and social analyses of violence against women and children in Imo state in the light of contemporary changes. Functional solutions to the enormous problems associated with women and children will be proffered. Data for this study were gathered through participant observation, evaluation of historical documents and questionnaire. Unstructured interviews were used to clarify conflicting issues and views in the course of investigation. Respondents were drawn from women, men, religious leaders, adherents of religion, government, non-governmental organization (NGO). Children, guardians and traditional rulers in selected towns namely Owerri, Orlu and Okigwe. The approaches used are mutually re-enforcing and the data collected were comparatively evaluated. The study found out that violence against women and children as social groups have persisted. They are still suffering and undergoing violence without speaking out in the bid of protecting the family name. Young girls were raped and parents did not take up the matter just to protect their daughters for future marriages. The disability and drawback consequent upon this soar relationship have continued till this day. Even though the population of Imo state is predominantly Christians, religion has failed to utilize its spiritual, moral institution, human and material resources to resolve the violence against women and children. The absence of mutual understanding, tolerance and co-operation has complicated the harm of social degradation in Imo State. The research suggested new strategies that include government legislation and sensitization of Christians on the need to change.