Faculty: Management Sciences
Department: Public Administration


Okeke C. Gloria
Chukwuemeka Emma


E-government involves using ICTs to transform both back-end and front-end government processes and provides services, information and knowledge to the public. The emergence of Information and Communication Technology has provided means for faster and better communication, efficient storage, retrieval and processing of data and exchange and utilization of information to its users, be they individuals, groups, businesses, organizations or governments. The objective of the study was to examine the impact of e-government on service delivery using JAMB south east, Nigeria as the case study from 2008 to 2017. The study is premised on the Andersen Heriksen’s public sector process rebuilding (PPR) maturity model of e-government. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of all one hundred and ten (110) staff of JAMB south east, Nigeria. The data was collected using questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Cronbach’s Alpha, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented in the form of tables, pie charts, bar charts, frequencies and percentages. For the analysis Pearson correlation coefficient and the Multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses formulated. The research findings revealed that E-governance has a significant effect on service culture in JAMB, that there is a significant relationship between E-governance and service quality in JAMB, that E-governance has a significant effect on employee engagement in JAMB and that there is a significant relationship between E-governance and customers experience in JAMB. The study recommends enactment of policies aimed at regulating e-government implementation. The study also recommends that JAMB in particular and public sector organizations in general should avail themselves the windows of opportunities that e-governance provides in their drive to enhance service quality by showing a high level of e-readiness in their operations. All that is needed must be put in place by the government, especially that which is within their capacity. For instance, ensure that all office is equipped with functional computers; employ highly skilled personnel in ICT, provision of continuous training of the personnel to keep them informed on how best to utilize e-governance in engendering effective service delivery among others.