Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Obigwe, U. C.
Madu, J. E.
The Akwali rite of passage, in pre-colonial times, played a central role in the socialization of girls, and the celebration of virginity, fertility and womanhood in Nando. Akwali, just like other traditional practices, collided with Christianity and colonialism when they were introduced in Igboland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, respectively, as well as the forces of urbanization and globalization. This study took up this challenge by examining the Akwali rite of passage as practised in Nando community with the view of finding out the challenges facing Akwali rite and find ways of rediscovering its importance for the Nando girl child in the twenty first century.The objective of this study was to analyze puberty rite of passage among the people of Nando community in order to assessed how it was done before the challenges and suggest ways this rite of passage can be rediscovered and better positioned in the 21st century. Specifically, the study sought to: determined the nature of Akwali rite of passage, ascertained how Akawli rite of passage was performed before the advent of Christianity in Nando community, assessed the significance of Akwali rite of passage, evaluated the impact of Christianity, colonization, globalization and urbanization on Akwali rite of passage and proposed ways of reviving the Akwali rite of passage to meet modern challenges.Data for the study were collected through primary and secondary sources. The primary data were derived from in-depth oral interviews. The secondary sources of data used for the study were from books, journals, unpublished dissertations and other materials and documents from the internet.The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and area culture approach and historical analysis.This study adopted the term puberty rites because its focus is on young girls. This study used structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism and cultural relativism as useful in the explanation of the role of puberty rites of passage in Nando community. Akwali rite, just as other rites of passage contributed to the stability and holistic development of an individual which will aid in adapting well in the society values and norms of the whole society. It was discovered that Akwali rite of passage provided the means through which young girls were socialized, and prepared for adulthood and marriage. In this sense, therefore, this study will enable the public to see the overall functionality of Akwali rite of passage and how it engenders social integration, cohesion, and solidarity.It is against this backdrop that the study made the case to found those challenges and for a rediscovery of Akwali festival to save it from total extinction.