Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Nganwuchu G. Chiazo
Obiefuna B.A.C
This work evaluates the Igbo traditional family system in a globalizing world. The work aims at giving the description of the Igbo indicating major characteristics found of the Igbo family system before modern globalization and what the Igbo family system is undergoing in the contemporary globalizing phenomena. This work juxtaposed globalization with the socio-religious values of Igbo family system. This is to indicate how globalization has affected the Igbo family system either negatively and positively. The methods used for data collection were historical analysis and oral interview aimed at gaining the opinions of people on the subject matter. The study reveals that the traditional Igbo family system despite its failures and challenges before the modern globalization has respect for constituted authorities, honored the extended family system and peace as each member of the family unit has a way of doing things well. Being a dynamic system, the Igbo family entertained modern globalization characterized by improvements in technological breakthoughs. The technological breakthroughs are evident in digital equipments of communication like Radio, Television, and so on. Globalization therefore has encouraged new ways of doing things which ran counter to former ways of behavior. Despite the gains of globalization to the Igbo family system, selfishness has increased among the Igbo families; the extended family system is no more put into consideration. Through globalization, abominable diseases have ravaged the Igbo family system and are attacking the younger generation of the Igbo. The researcher recommends among other things that every Igbo family must hold fast to those positive attitudes which the Igbo family was well known for. Parents should monitor their children and wards and direct them on proper cultural practies. The study believes that the negative consequences of globalization on the Igbo family system will be effectively controlled if the recommendations raised in the work are followed.