Expression of Temporality in the English Language: A Functional Approach
Faculty: Arts
Department: English Language & Literature
Uzoh, U.V;
Ekpunobi, D.C;
Time and temporality are mutually related .While time is an uninterrupted period, temporality is the various divisions in this uninterrupted period. The study sought to find out the means of expressing temporality, and the errors students commit in the expression of temporality. The study also examines the grammatical errors in the use of tenses and the pedagogical implications of the English language as a language of classroom instruction. The study sought to find out the relationship/differences between the test scores of students in the urban and rural schools. Temporality in English language is expressed through the use of tense and aspect, temporal adverbials and prepositions of time. The theoretical approaches used were functional theory of language and Aspect Hypothesis. To carry out this research, five research questions were posed and data collected through test items administered on 500 students from Awka Educational Zone. The result reveals that temporality poses problem to the students. This thesis poses a challenge to the teachers of English language in that it advocates continuous writing by the students. This continuous writing must be assessed and corrections made. The English language curriculum should be revisited in the specific areas where temporality challenges are mostly domiciled.