Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Eze, O.I;
Madu, J.E;
The issue of revival of Igbo culture has become a major concern to Igbo scholars and cultural revivalists. The Igbo cultural values are collapsing and new trendsemerging as a result of the pernicious influence of globalization. Apart from deviating from societal norms, crime, insincerity, insecurity, disregard for human life, lack of respect for elders, indecent dressing and so forth have also been on the increase as a result of de-emphasis on tradition. The disappearance of moral checks and balances that were typical of the pure Igbo society is a growing source of worry as the Igbo now act like a people without conscience and morality. There is also the problem of lesbianism, homosexuality and the culture of pornography pervading the Igbo society. All these among others have posed a formidable challenge to Igbo traditional religio-culturalrenaissance. The purpose of this work is to critically examine the difficulties that challenge the revival of Igbo cultural values.This work is grounded on two theories namely, theory of Africanity and Self-Acceptance theory for its framework. Historical method, oral interview or personal communications and participant observation were employed for data collection. In the course of this work, new trends in the society such as patterns of dressing, change in cultural values, family values, hospitality and community caring, ethics of hard work, discipline, honesty, justice and other practices that have affected the patterns of behaviour of the people generally because of globalization were investigated.Phenomenological approach was employed for interpretation of datasince it suits the study of Igbo religion and culture more than any other method. However, it was found that dearth of originality, disappearing community consciousness, disappearing indigenous names, corruption,acts of savagery and revolt of women against cultural practices etcetera are some of the challenges that make it increasingly difficult for the revival of Igbo traditional religious values. In spite of these formidable challenges, the Igbo still found a way of sustaining their culture through Igbo day celebrations, Ahajioku lectures and other festivals such as new yam and masquerade festivals.The study concluded by saying that the Igbo mustreturn to their past, if their culture must be revived. The work, therefore, recommends, that the state governments in the South East and, indeed all over Nigeria, should assist in safeguarding traditional religious sites and museums because they do not only serve as research centres for the education of the people on their history and culture but also as tourist centres which could yield a lot of revenue for the government.