Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Igbo M. Philip
Ugwueye L. E.
This work reflects on “Isaiah’s Vision of Peace (Isa 2:1-5): from the Perspective of Eschatology.” Peace is one of the fundamental desires of humans in any society. The problem of armed conflicts had bothered the people of Isaiah’s time just as they trouble the minds of people today. The prophet Isaiah envisioned a world where people of all nations will reject war (hm'x'l.mi) and embrace peace (~Alv') (Isa 2:4). Though Isaiah situated the peace which he proclaimed in an undisclosed future (~ymiªY"h; tyrIåx]a;B., “in days to come”), his oracle of peace (Isa 2:1-5) has relevance to the contemporary society where conflict (byrI) and violence (sm'x') often hold sway. A number of scholars have previously made important commentaries on Isa 2:1-5, none, however, has applied this passage as a model of peace to Nigeria. This is the gap that this work seeks to fill. The work examined Isaiah’s oracle of peace (Isa 2:1-5) and assessed its on-going relevance to the society. This study adopted a synchronic approach in biblical exegesis. The work followed a verse to verse exegesis of Isa 2:1-5 so as to draw out the real meaning contained in the text. The study revealed that the Isaianic peace is a crucial factor in building a sound political and economic development in the society. There is an essential link between peace (~Alv') and justice (jP'v.mi). The work revealed that sustainable peace is possible in a society where justice and equity are practiced. The study presented Isaiah’s peace as a model to Nigeria where various shades of conflicts have pervaded the socio-political life of the nation. One of the ways to build up peace in Nigeria is by inculcating the culture of peace in the youths. The work showed that the culture of peace can be developed through peace education in secondary schools. This will help form the minds of people, inculcate peace in them at a young age, and bring about a change in mentality. This will in turn help in improving fraternal co-existence in Nigeria. The prophet Isaiah had proposed disarmament as a way to peace and development. This work showed that disarmament means more than reducing or even eliminating weapons of war; it also involves insightful impartation in young minds peaceful and non divisive ideologies and non oppressive politics that orchestrate conflict among people. The work proposed “peace armament” as a way to peace in Nigeria. “Peace armament” means instilling the values of peace and justice in the citizenry, especially the young minds. “Peace armament” instilled in the minds of the youths is more fundamental to peace than preaching disarmament at adult age. If these are done, many of the things that exacerbate conflicts in Nigeria will be avoided. It will also bring about a positive change in people’s relational attitude towards one another. Peace is a precondition for sustainable development.