Faculty: Arts
Department: Religion And Human Relations
Ene, F. I.
Madu, J. E.
The work studied ancestral cult in Igbo traditional societies. The aim was to trace who the ancestors are to a traditional Igbo man with a view to assessing their religio-social, political and economic contributions to their communities and society at large that earned them robust venerations. The researcher adopted primary and secondary sources of data collection. Data were taken from group discussions, interviews and observation of events by the researcher. Secondary sources were drawn from journals, textbooks, seminars and participant observation. Multi-dimensional method of interpretation incorporated the historical, sociological and phenomenological. Historically, the Igbo were established to have a historical undercurrent with its peculiar culture in present geographical expression. History in this case adds value to people’s identity, development and progress. Sociological method of analysis employed tries to explain Igbo concept of religion as a societal tool for controlling people’s behaviours and moulding their value scales and level of social interactions among her citizens. The sociological method justifies Igbo ancestral cult as a rallying point of the family, kindred and community. It is the trusted most functional meeting point of all descendants of the patriarch. Phenomenological approach here underscores Igbo cult of ancestors as a demonstration of community consciousness in Igbo societies. This approach tries to interpret the functionality or present level of acceptability of ancestral cult among the Igbo in present situation. The appraisal is germane here because of the perceived negligence of this in Igbo society. It helped us ascertain the present mindset of Igbo people as regards respect for Igbo ancestors in Igbo community. The researcher found out that the people’s world – view is tremendously reflected in the nature and types of cults being practised. Various types of cults were performed in different areas, depending on individual and community needs. Finally behind these nature and types of ancestors cult practised in Igbo societies, it was discovered that the implication of such cult to the community is far reaching. They are reflected in all fabrics of people’s life which consequently enhance and promote both individual and community consciousness. The researcher strongly recommends the need for the Igbo to showcase their rich cultural norms and values to promote community consciousness, enhance personality profile and suggest the need to scrutinize many facets of the concepts in order to promote and make it more understandable to all.