Faculty: Environmental Sciences
Department: Building


Oluremi, O.S.O;
Okolie, K.C;


Theincidenceoffireinbuildingsis amajorthreattosafetyofoccupants, owners of buildings and propertiestherein,particularly,whereinflammable materialsarecommonly used.Hence,fire disaster occurrencehasbeenamajorsourceofconcernto thebuiltenvironment. Thus, the study developed a framework for fire disaster preparedness forcommercial buildings with view tominimizing the likely occurrence of fire disaster in Imo State.The methods ofdatacollection were both primary (field survey, useofquestionnairesadministered to relevant professionalsand government authorities) and secondary (review of related literature,extractsfrom relatedjournal and articlesfrom the internetto source for data required). Data obtained were analyzed using frequency tables, mean score, standard deviation, one-way Anovaand t-test. All analyses were done using Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS) version 23. The benchmark for judgment was being placed at 95% confidence which in other words is 5% level of significance. The study revealed that there were Eighteen (18) cases of fire outbreak in the study area between 2010 and 2019. The use of substandard electrical materials and faulty electrical appliances were identified as major causes of fire disaster in commercial buildings.The study revealed that the level of fire disaster preparedness of commercial building owners was too low; the study revealed also non-compliance of these commercial buildings with fire safety codes and design standards. that the level of fire disaster preparednessof commercial building owners in the study area was not adequate; the study revealed further that the level of compliance of commercial buildings in Imo State with the provision of fire safety acts, design standards and codes was not adequate. The respondents (89.8%) agreed that there was no regular inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment and training of users on the use of the available equipment. Conclusively, the level of fire disaster preparedness and compliance of commercial buildings in the study areaweregrosslyinadequate in all ramifications. In conclusion, a framework was developedand recommended for fire disaster preparedness for commercial buildings in study area that could prevent the emergence of fire or curtail the spread of fire when it occurs. Further, asoftware was developedfor the implementation oftheframework – chosentobeaMobileApp. In the event of fire, the software will enable the owners/users to immediately contact the firefighting Agencies or Authorities for quick intervention or response.