Faculty: Arts
Department: Philosophy


Ezeabasili, E. C
Odimegwu, I.
Ogugua, P. I.


Cultural diversity is one obvious characteristic of the Nigeria state as she is composed of more than 350 ethno-national groups who are involuntarily amalgamated by colonising settlers. Evidently, the saying that “there is strength in diversity” has become an elusive or unrealistic project in Nigeria multicultural setting because of her inability to manage her diversity challenges. This has given rise to minorities and majorities increasing clashes over such issues as: language rights, regional autonomy, political representation, resource control, power division, etc. consequently, mutual exclusion and suspicion amongst ethnic and linguistic groups have increasingly become prevalent. Thus, political instability; economic recession; cleavages along ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural lines; ethnic and religious clashes; marginalisation; favouritism and nepotism; bigotry; bribery and corruption; mediocrity; insecurity; and lack of good leadership, are its resultant effects. Since Nigeria is an involuntary incorporation of different previously autonomous and independent nations, some scholars have reasoned that these nations or ethnic groups should be granted a differentiated right called self-government rights as a way of ensuring the full and free development of the culture and best interest of their people. One mechanism for recognising claims of self-government rights is federalism, which divides powers between the central government and regional subunits. The problem is that Nigeria, deemed as a Federal Republic, is not applying federal principles in her practice of federalism. Therefore, this work advances the need for institutional and structural change of Nigeria federal system of government through constitutional amendment from what seem like unitary system to federal system of government using Kenneth C. Wheare’s federal principles as paradigm. This dissertation therefore adopts analysis as a method of study. By analytical juxtaposing Nigeria federal system of government with Kenneth C. Wheare’s federalism, important discoveries are made in the areas of their convergences and divergences. Importantly, this study finds out that in their apparent similarities there are lots of discrepancies existing between what Kenneth C. Wheare considers as true federal tenets and what Nigeria practices. Finally, this dissertation finds Kenneth C. Wheare’s federalism very relevant in addressing Nigeria federalism malaise.