Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Management And Policy
Ofor, R. O.
Ikediugwu, N. N.
The low Web ranking of universities in Nigeria and poor quality of products of universities exemplified by high rate of university graduate unemployment in Nigeria necessitated this study on the assessment university council of performance in the South East. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Seven research questions and seven hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised 165 subjects made up of 115 internal members of governing councils and 50 persons whose duties relate to activities of governing councils. A 48-item researcher developed questionnaire titledAssessment of university council Performance Questionnaire (AUCPQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts while Cronbach’s coefficient alpha method was used to determine the internal consistence of the items. The researcher with the help of ten research assistants distributed and collected the questionnaire. The research questions were answered using the mean and mean of means while the hypotheses were tested using z-test of two sample means. It was found among others that the extent of governing councils performance in their functions was high in personnel functions but low in financial functions, monitoring and review of programmes and awards, external relations, internal relationships and development and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure in federal and state universities. The extent governing councils perform the functions of maintenance of university culture was high in federal universities but low in state universities. It was recommended among others that governing councils should intensify putting in place appropriate human resource policies and ensure their implementation with priority on staff welfare and training, the scope of appointment of governing council members should be widened to non- indigenes of the state for state universities and international members for federal and state universities, governing councils should engage in joint goal setting with relevant stakeholders and pursue financial diversification.