Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Management And Policy


Umeozor J. Uzonna
Omenyi A. S.


The current situation of the available educational resources in the public secondary schools, which negatively impacted teachers’ job performance and quality of work, has warranted the researcher to embark on this study. This study investigated educational resource availability and utilization for teacher job performance in secondary schools in Anambra State. Six research questions guided the study and six null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Population for the study comprised 5,976 teachers in the 258 State public secondary schools located in urban and rural areas in Anambra State. The sample size for this study was made up of 1,195 teachers in133 secondary schools drawn using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Two research instruments – a questionnaire and a checklist were used in eliciting information in this study. The instruments were validated by three experts and reliability of the instrument determined. Data gathered from the test conducted were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha method. This yielded an overall coefficient of internal consistency of 0.82. Data collected and collated were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, percentages, mean scores and standard deviation in order to answer the research questions, while hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using chi-square and t-test statistics. Findings of the study indicated among others that: physical plant resources for teacher job performance was available to a moderate extent in the rural and available to a high extent in the urban secondary schools in Anambra State. The available physical plant, printed and non-printed resources for teacher job performance in secondary schools were utilized to a moderate extent in Anambra State. The hypotheses indicated among others that a significant difference was found between the available educational resources on the extent of availability of physical plant resources for teacher job performance in rural and urban secondary schools in Anambra State. Based on the findings, recommendations were proffered and among these are that: Anambra State Government should ensure that there is high availability of physical plant resources for teacher job performance in rural and urban secondary schools.

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